Mental Effort Archive Wired to Answer Easy Questions When faced with a difficult question, like the task of measuring your arbitrary happiness, your brain will substitute an easier question to answer.
Mental Effort Archive Now Read This: Omaha Edition. Unlike most annual reports, the opening 30 pages of Berkshire Hathaway's report amount to a refreshing and honest letter from the Chairman, none other than Warren Buffett. He offers his investment philosophy, opines about prudent leadership, and shares some of his evaluation of corporate America.
Mental Effort Archive My Problem with "r" Somewhere along the way I lost all confidence in writing the lower case "r". To mask the trepidation I would feel as I approached a word with an "r", I began to replace a lower case "r" with a smaller version of an upper case "R".
Mental Effort Archive Squandering Good Intentions - A Tale Event + Reaction = Outcome Maybe the intentions you associate to your boss or co-workers aren't based on fact, maybe you've created them to justify your reactions.
Mental Effort Archive Sustainable Performance Plans We need performance sustaining plans for the best of workers, not only performance improvement plans for those failing to live up to expectations.
Mental Effort Archive Cheer For or Cheer Against, You Decide We can choose to root against someone hoping to get the desired outcome or we can choose to cheer for our team letting our experience, expertise, and preparedness achieve success.
Mental Effort Archive An Uncomfortable Privilege Walk Our facilitators read questions out loud to the participants. After each question, you either step forward, representing a positive merit, or backwards, representing a disadvantage. "Take a step back if you have ever been sexually harassed". All 34 women took a step back, and I stood still.
AOL Be Mindful of the Turtle's Shell We need to take a lesson from the turtle. Not everyone is going to be as supportive as we'd want. Not everyone is going to recognize the value of the long term vision we have. Some might sling some arrows, and having a hard exterior shell to protect us will be paramount.
Mental Effort Archive Christmas Routine (A Pseudocode Poem) A pseudocode code representation of our Christmas day routine
Technical Debt Security through Immutable Infrastructure Rather than the traditional approach of upgrading code on existing systems, with immutable infrastructure new code is deployed to a new set of servers. As teams adopt this approach, automation will improve, code coverage will increase, and your plan for business continuity will receive an uplift.
Mental Effort Archive Be Curious - A Statement of Culture: TBM Part 12 There is an essential element of culture that aligns with IT transformation; creates happier, engaged employees; and establishes a sense of purpose. This element is the willingness and drive to Be Curious.