Experts & Novices (#7)
We take appropriate pride in our know how and we delight in the opportunity to learn.
We take appropriate pride in our know how — our skills, our experience, and our deep understanding. We recognize and respect proficiency and expertise in others. We rely on the skills we've acquired and the knowledge we've gained when we face something new, knowing that in the abstract our expertise will guide us. We remember there is a process to becoming an expert. By layering experiences we will build a library of knowledge to act as our foundation in exploration. We delight in the opportunity to learn. In fact, we are always learning. We learn as we test our solutions. We learn from our customers as our product experiments reveal what works best — and we learn from our colleagues, from their challenge and support. We learn from our failed attempts, our misguided intuition, and from delightful discoveries. We are becoming experts, through deliberate practice, at the topics we focus on, yet we remain novices in so much more.